Purchase Date - The date of issuance on that particular invoice is displayed.
Invoice No - The invoice number is displayed.
Vendor - The name of the Vendor is displayed.
Inv. Amt. - The amount generated by that invoice is displayed.
Note Amt - The amount if we returned the parts to the vendor.
Pending Amt. - The amount which must be paid to the vendor is displayed.
Paid Amt - The amount we paid to the vendor for the invoice.
Payment Date - The date we made the payment is displayed.
Voucher No. - The voucher number is shown for the particular payment receipt.
Transaction No. - The transaction number associated with our payment when we choose online banking services is displayed.
Vendor - The name of the vendor who has received the payment is displayed.
Paid Amt - The amount the vendor received is displayed.
Available Balance - The amount shows if we paid more than an invoice amount to Vendor.
Payment Mode - The means through which we made payment is displayed.
Account No. - The bank account number through which the transaction was processed.
Action - Let us print the receipt.
Closed Payments - This module helps us view the Closed payments
Inv date - The date on which we have closed the Invoice is displayed.
Inv. No - Invoice number is Displayed.
Vendor - The name of the vendor, The name of the vendor is displayed.
Inv. Amt - The amount generated by that invoice is displayed.
Adjusted Amount - The amount we adjusted for the Invoice to the vendor is showing.
Adjusted Date - The date we adjusted for the Invoice to the vendor.
Voucher Amount - The voucher amount is displayed.
Voucher Number - The voucher number is displayed.
Voucher date - The voucher date is displayed.