Tracking Estimations, Orders and Invoices

Tracking Estimations, Orders and Invoices

How to track Estimations, Orders and Invoices in Autozilla Repair Buddy application?

In the Autozilla Repair Buddy application, users can conveniently track their estimations, orders, and invoices. By clicking on the button situated in the top-leftmost corner and selecting the "Request" option, users can access a comprehensive overview of their estimations, orders, and invoices, allowing them to stay organized and informed.

1. On this page, users can view and create estimations.

By default, it shows the history of all your estimation requests.
2. Within the Orders section, users can access their estimated responses for orders ready to be placed. By clicking the "Pay now" option, users can seamlessly proceed to the payment page, streamlining the process of completing the order and finalizing the payment. 

3. The "Invoices" section is where users can locate their delivered orders. It provides a convenient place for users to access and review their invoices for the orders that have been successfully delivered.

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